Saturday 26 May 2012

My pal the Italian Stallion

   His name is Ezio. If you've played Assassin's Creed II, you will recognize this costume, and if not then it's just a beautiful costume. I have this quasi obsession with this game series. It's just something about the renaissance and the stabby-runny-jumpy of it all.
   I start out with a blank 7" Munny figure, like so:
(you can purchase from, I get them from Lost Marbles)
   I start planning with the stickers included:
The most difficult part of this process is condensing an opulent costume into a tiny little squashed replica.
  Use some Pro-Sculpey:

 (Note his scar tee-hee)

Surprisingly, you can just bake the entire thing all together as one piece. The last time I made a Munny figure, I didn't know this fact so I peeled everything off and it took so much longer. I love using mixed media, like felt and other fabric, but this just looks so much better.
All that's left is to paint him :)

Thursday 1 December 2011


Hello my ol'faithful viewers (all 2 of you), 

Here are some pieces that the melodramatic artist in me will never want to share with anyone but the prima donna jerk in me want to show off. So enjoy! 

They're kind of a random sprinkling of crap, shiny crap and some actually alright drawings, paintings and fun, spontaneous projects of mine from the past. 
- And I am sharing them because I am proud of them.... I think?

Alice, chalk pastel on paper
David, pencil on paper
I call the Scaly one Shredder
Oil on canvas
Sculpey on vinyl 

Girls, Girls, Girls

... this isn't nearly as funny now that it isn't 4 in the morning